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Delete Event from iphone or ipad??

PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 7:23 pm
by randalld
I'm using mycal pro. How do you delete events from the calendar? I have events and reoccurring events I would like to delete but can not find the option to delete events.

Re: Delete Event from iphone or ipad??

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:25 pm
by HairyJohn
Hi Randal,
I have moved you post to the correct forum as you are referring to myCal PRO.

There are several ways to delete events.
In the month, week,day, list or year view, you have the option to Long Tap on an event to get a context aware menu. If the event is editable then you will see a Delete option.
Or, simply tap to open the event. If the event is editable, scroll to the bottom (if you have a small device) and you will see a Delete option.

Does that help?

If you do not have an option to delete, then the event is read only and it cannot be deleted. This can happen on Holiday calendars, or other calendars that you might subscribe to.
