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Display alerts on calendar?

PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2021 6:26 pm
by Dave2280
Is there a way to see the scheduled alerts/alarms that are going to occur, I guess as if the alerts were their own events? If not, maybe a toggle switch next to each alert could exist “Display Alert on Calendar?” Yes/No option.

Like, as a visual reminder in month view, for example, the scheduled alert would provide context to surrounding events. E.g., “Oh, ‘Big Project Due’ (event on calendar) is only ‘7 days before Flight to Europe’ (displayed alert that will fire the same day as BigProjectDue event), I need to book airfare sooner than I thought.” (Maybe not a big deal for events in the middle of the month shown on same page, but if BigProjectDue occurs on the 30th and the Flight to Europe is on the 6th of the next month, that proximity might be overlooked in the detailed month view…)

Also, is there the ability to create custom groups of alerts to be created when scheduling an event, like selecting a dropdown choice <FavoriteAlertsList1> would automatically set a group of alerts that were user-defined previously, “120 days before, 100 days before, 45 days before, 2 weeks before, 18 hours before, and 90 minutes before” for example. I guess this could be considered a template?

I don’t have the tasks/reminders enhancement purchase yet, but if it can do one or both of the above please let me know. Thanks for providing a forum to ask questions and post ideas/wish lists.

Re: Display alerts on calendar?

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2021 1:09 pm
by HairyJohn
If you tap Settings, Month View you can set Alert Icons to on to show events have alerts. Does that help?

Re: Display alerts on calendar?

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2021 4:00 pm
by Dave2280
That is helpful in that I had no idea you could do that. I really appreciate how responsive you are to questions from users of your apps.

I think what I can do as a work around (since no app can be everything to everybody—even a feature-rich app like MyCal Pro) is to create an event and select the custom alerts I want in the ‘advanced’ option of that interface. The resulting list of alerts that are created will show the actual dates that MyCal Pro has calculated as being, for example, ‘30 days before’ the main event that was just created. I can then use that list of actual dates as a guide to create “all day events” that do show up on the calendar.

A real-world example would be a lawyer who creates “John Smith’s Jury Trial” as an event for August 31st and creates 30, 45, and 60 day alerts that will trigger before the event. Since MyCal Pro lists “August 1st” under the “30 days before” alert setting, the lawyer can create an all day event for August 1 that is titled “30 Days before John Smith’s Jury Trial” and, in the notes section maybe put “deadline to exchange Exhibits with lawyer for the opposing side” or whatever the significance of 30 days before happens to be. Same thing with 45 and 60 day alerts, just create an event using the listed date that MyCal Pro has calculated as being 45 or 60 days before. In this example, the lawyer could create an alert for 1-day before the “30 days before trial” all day event as a reminder to actually prepare the Exhibits that will need to be sent to the other lawyer by that next day’s deadline.

Thanks again!