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Tasks feature is erratic

PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 11:15 pm
by hoylesp
For example, a task I had set up somehow had the wrong due date (tomorrow, Tuesday). I edited it and changed the date to today, but the task completely disappeared from eventium. (I think I looked at reminders and it was in there for today). I added an unrelated task for today at 10:25 pm and it didn't show up at all in eventium.
Sometimes tasks show up in eventium but when I click on them they have no info whatever.
Can you tell what is happening? Are there bugs, or is there something I'm completely misunderstanding and doing wrong?
I'd love for eventium to be my sole task manager. Should I look into your eztasks app? I really need flexible repeating tasks and syncing between devices. .
(I'm here because eventium is great for events and Gtasks Pro seems broken and unsupported.

Re: Tasks feature is erratic

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2019 8:30 am
by HairyJohn
Hi there!
This really does sound odd, can you answer a few questions for me?
What time zone are you in?
If you add a new task to complete by 10:25pm today, does it appear tomorrow instead of today?
When a task does appear, you mention that if you tap it you don't see any detail, can you email support with a screenshot of that? (You can email support directly from within the app, tap the Info icon in the toolbar, then tap Contact Support).
