Cannot see date header

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Cannot see date header

Postby Littlepinkhearts » Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:17 am

Since yesterday there has been a red rectangle covering the whole if the date header so I can't see the month or year at all. I will attempt to attach as picture to show you what I mean. How can I get rid of the box, or is it a problem with the calender?
Calender picture
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Re: Cannot see date header

Postby HairyJohn » Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:40 pm

My apologies, its a bug in the latest version. Ive fixed this and submitted it to Apple and hopefully they will release it shortly.

As a workaround:
  • Tap the Calendar Filter icon (4 horizontal lines)
  • Ensure All Calendars is ticked
  • Ensure All Category Tags is ticked
  • Tap Done
Im really sorry about the inconvenience!

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Re: Cannot see date header

Postby HairyJohn » Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:07 am

Just a heads up, my emergency patch has been relaxed by Apple, its version 1.9.10.
This fixes the pink banner issue and the view partway off the screen on startup on iPads issue.

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