myCal PRO User Guide (updated 29th August)

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myCal PRO User Guide (updated 29th August)

Postby HairyJohn » Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:49 pm

myCal PRO User Guide

If you have any questions on this guide or feedback to give to the myCal PRO developers, please email us at

This is the user guide for the universal iOS app myCal PRO.
myCal PRO contains fantastic views of your events all without needing to set up any new subscriptions as it displays events from the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad's own internal calendar!

General Usage
The Month, Week and Day Views can be navigated in the same way. To scroll to the previous or next month, week, or day, single finger swipe to the left or right. The List View however is navigated simply my scrolling up or down.
To add an event either select the '+' icon in the tool bar, or tap and hold on a given day. The '+' icon will start adding an event today, the tap and hold action will start adding an event on the selected day.
The Month, Week and Day Views in myCal PRO all contain AirPrint support. To trigger, use a 2 finger swipe down the screen to display the AirPrint dialog.

myCal PRO has partial multi language support in that the day and month names will be displayed in your device's default language.

Lets go into detail on the individual views.

Month View
When you first start the application you will be presented with the Month View. Here is an example of that view:

MonthL.png (95.41 KiB) Viewed 48616 times

The 5 toolbar options are:
Week View: Takes you into the 7 days week view. If the current day is in view, the Week View will be displayed with that week, otherwise the first week as listed in the Month View.
Add Event: Takes you to the Add Event screen. We go into further detail on that further down.
Calendar Selector: Displays a calendar filter dialog where you can show or hide calendars.
Settings: Displays the Settings dialog. We go into further detail on that further down.
Info: Displays the Info dialog. We go into further detail on that further down.

The Month View can start on any day of the week, for example in the UK the standard preference is to start the week on a Monday. In the USA the preference is to start on a Sunday. This is configurable via the Settings option, Month View section and the Start week on option.
The Month View has two day number styles, center as shown above as centralized watermark over the top of your events, or Top Left which is more traditional. Again, the Settings option allows this to be configured in the Month View section.
In the above example notice how the weekend days are displayed narrower than the week days. This can be configured in the Settings option, Month View section and the Weekend day style option.
The font size used in the Month View is also configurable via the Settings option, Month View section and the Event font size slider.
The times displayed for an event are configurable via the Settings option, Month View section and the Timed events option. You can show or hide either the start or end time.

Week View
The Week View displays the week in a 7 day split, that is Monday to Friday are all drawn at the same size, with Saturday and Sunday split to occupy half each of the remaining area. The current day is displayed with the day title in red.

WeekL.png (76.25 KiB) Viewed 48617 times

The toolbar options are the same as the Month View, with the exception that the Week View option has been replaced with a Month View option.
Also, due to the increased size of the events you can actually tap on an individual event to take you into the Edit Event screen.

The font size used in the Week View is also configurable via the Settings option, Week View section and the Event font size slider.
The times displayed for an event are configurable via the Settings option, Week View section and the Timed events option. You can show or hide either the start or end time.

Day View
The Day View displays much more information about your events, including location, repeat, alarm icons, and the calendar name they belong to.
The current day is displayed in red, otherwise in black with a TODAY icon to take the user to the current day.
Events in the Day View also support a long press menu. To access this menu select a day with editable events on it. Press and hold on an event until the menu is displayed.
Options include:
    ★ Duplicate
    ★ Duplicate Next Day
    ★ Move To Next Day
    ★ Move Later 1 Hour (option only appears when event is not an All Day event)
    ★ Delete

DayL.png (50.01 KiB) Viewed 48613 times

The toolbar options are the same as the Month and Week Views, with the exception of the options to return to a Week View or Month View.
From here you can tap on an event to go into the Edit Event screen.

The times displayed for an event are configurable via the Settings option, Day View section and the Timed events option. You can show or hide either the start or end time.

List View
The List View is a vertical scrolling view that also allows you to search for events.
It contains all events over a 3 month period, so as you scroll to the end of the list there is an option to load more data. This will move the visible window of events to the next month. If you scroll to the top of the list you can pull down the list to move the window to the previous month.
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